Summer is great in Minnesota. I like to think that we win awards like 'Best Outdoor City' or 'Most Active State' because of all of our weather related pent up energy and desire to get out and do something...
So, even if you aren't a very outdoorsy, active person MN has something for you. Here is a little photo journey/trip report of my weekend (and Monday night).
Starting with Saturday. Rain was predicted, but held off for most of the morning and early afternoon. I caught up with a few of my favorite gals while enjoying cocktails and sitting on their dock. Low key, but hey. I was outside on a nice day with good company. No complaints.
Sunday brought me to St. Paul with some lovely gals. We did a little joy driving, which is pretty much required when in St. Paul, thanks to it's beautiful old charm feel and houses that walked right out of your dreams. I saw a picture of Harriet Island half underwater, so we decided to check that out before lunch. Once we did a good walk up and down the trail we went in search of a patio. My go to is always Patrick McGovern's, but we opted to mix things up and try something new. Now, I know my patios, but I always fear the crowds that go hand-in-hand with them. We ended up at The Liffey and were pleased to fill our bellies with good food and drinks there. The patio is pretty awesome too. :)
And lastly Monday night was spent family style, with my main man's side. The Twins failed to bring home a win, but we managed to enjoy ourselves just fine. I love me some game food. In the few hours we spent here I put down a few brews, bloody Mary (topped with a hamburger slider!), and hot dog.
Take me out to the ball game, baby.