When I first approached blogging I had my eye on the prize; work from home, write about my life and things I love, opportunity to buy myself new things [guilt free] and with any luck, become successful enough to have sponsors.
I mean, come on, who doesn't want designers to dish out free products to them.
But reality soon sunk in. I do not have a photographer boyfriend or best friend, fancy camera, or even a clue as to how to photograph myself. Don't get me wrong, I am uber talented when it comes to 'selfies', but full on body shots? Forget about it! I thought 'just what I need, an entire webpage devoted to pics of myself that make me cringe'. Likewise, I wasn't about to have some company or label go off on me for not presenting their clothing properly (pssst! I am 5' 3" on a good day and a far from board like).
So where did that leave my blogging career? Here.
This blog will be a smorgasbord of all my thoughts, ideas, helpful tips, an occasional outfit post, travel plans (for me or for you!), and everything/anything J (me).
Drop in, look around, stay for a day or a lifetime. But most importantly...
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