Thursday, May 8, 2014

Homemade Cards

Making mom a gift for Mothers Day doesn't have to be for little kids. Today I crafted these cute homemade cards for Mom's special day. 

I find that something personalized is not only sentimental, but a clear indication of your effort. And what mom doesn't want to feel like someone went out of their way for them? 

I start by finding cute backgrounds as a base, then use different shapes, clipart, and text to jazz it up as I choose. Lastly I pull one of the accent colors from the background out and use that for the back piece of the card. Print out your front and back templates, then cut and glue them onto matching scrapbook paper for a sturdier base. 

Voilà! Beautfiul [and thoughtful] cards, that you can completely personalize with a cute message. I plan to pair mine with tulips, for the moms in my life. 


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